Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gates of Mashu and the Scorpion Guards

Gilgamesh climbs his way to the top of mount Mashu - deliriously cursing his way up the mountain to the gate protected by scorpion guards. Scale, surface to climb, earth moving below, Scorpion guards abilities limitations and scale, character and physiology...

Scene 1  Mashu - the sun’s passage from dusk to dawn through the blackness of night. It is a razor thin ridge across the deepest pit through the internal world of the mind.
Wandering through the wilderness dressed in the skins of animals he has killed along the way, Gilgamesh comes to the sacred mount Mashu, which guides the path of Shamash, the sun. It is the gate into night and tomorrow. We hear his mutterings as he approaches the scorpion guards. 

At the gates on mount Mashu

Curses on the gate that smashed his hand.

One comes toward us.

Scorp 1:
Yes, one comes toward us.

Curses on the Kashiwho discovered him. 

Scorp 2:
But one is partly divine, dear.

Scorp 1:
One partly divine, dear. I would know what brings one on so long a journey before one is devoured. 

Devoured one.

Curses on Shamhat who stole his innocence. Curses on Humbaba who injured him.

Scorp 2:
Subside! One has traveled a great distance and climbed a great height. I am curious. One who looks so near death, what brings one to us? Speak now.

Scorp 1:
Why has one come to Mashu?

Curses on me who brought him to fame. Curses on Inanna for having him killed. 
Why does he lie  dead in the underworld while I live? My brother. My twin. 

Scorp 2:
One’s brother has died?

Kings and Queens kissed the ground he walked upon. The aged men and women of Uruk mourn for him and turn their palms toward heaven in prayer for him. The animals of the wild who were his mother and father weep for him. The rivers Ulay and Euphrates swell with their tears. Everywhere that is touched by the light of Shamash knows of my brother Enkidu. Rugged men and tender children alike shed tears at the loss of his inspiration. And yet I wander alone through the step where he was found through the desert and mountain alike. And now I cry for you Enkidu. Now I scream like some mad woman for you were my family. You were the ax on my belt, the sword in my scabbard, my shield in battle. What devil came and took you from me?

Scorp 2:
  One is quite wretched with grief.  But what brings one to mount Mashu?

Wretched one.

Why? When we met we fought and loved and, with the blessing of Shamash, we humbled the beast Humbaba. My people were joyous. Enkidu was my brother and now he lies in some sleep like spell. And the voice of grief, like a blanket, covers the land. 

Wretched one.

I must find a way to wake Enkidu from this spell. I must save my people from the darkness that poisons their dreamless sleep. I come seeking passage to the lands beyond where I might find Utnapishtim. He is both the master of eternal life and death eternal. His answers will free my people from this plague of grief. He will know how to awaken Enkidu.

Scorp 1:
No mortal has ever come to know what one seeks here. No one has come so far, and none have made this passage through the eternal darkness of night. While Shamash sleeps, the light of his sun shines no where. 

Scorp 2:
The bosom of this mountain rests on the bowels of the underworld. If One fell one would fall all day and all night into the pit before reaching hell! 

Scorp 1:
To where I let no one go, to where I forbid anyone to enter, there is no light and there is no heat. 

Scorp 2:
One passes through eternal freezing night. 

Shamash sleeps.

Scorp 2:
One is quite dejected. Pitiful. 

Scorp 1:
Near death already.

Pitiful one. Dejected. Wretched.

Sorp 1:
Gilgamesh I command one to go and cross the razor ridge of this mountain. I grant you passage. May the Anunnaki  guide you. 

We see him passing through eternal freezing night along a narrow path to the other side of the mountains and then down into lush green valleys. After the chanting has faded out we begin to hear Siduri signing her song about the cool waters of her well and the relief they bring of all that troubles life. 


  1. Tonight we worked with movement to discover the physical world of the scorpions. Casey presented research on the nature of scorpions and their movement. We discussed the sounds and limitations of their bodies, what their needs, purpose and literal creation.
    Using our own bodies we explored their world as we understood it finding a sense of emotion and purpose.
    Then we explored those dynamics using objects to express their nature and to explore their relationships to Gilgamesh and the dynamics of the moment when he convinces them to open the gate.
    We used sharp bamboo skewers for the scorpions and taking advantage of their sharpness and weapon like qualities as well as the sounds they make.
    We used a glass jar, an empty vessel, for Gilgamesh.

  2. From Lab 10-5

    Beats by movement

    1 Gilgamesh's ascent
    2 Scorpions awakened and look over edge
    3 Scorpions retreat and circle around from behind and below
    4 Gilgamesh crests the peak, takes in the past, looks to the gate
    5 Scorpions approach from sides trapping G at gate
    6 Scorpions gently curious [taps, stroking]
    7 hat play/disgard
    8Tug of war
    9 Tumble
    10 2 rolls (cat/mouse)
    11 Sting [beat]
    12 Gil reacts unharmed
    13 Sting 2 [short beat]
    14 Gil nonplused
    15 StingFest 2011
    16 Scorpion 1 pushes Gil to front of cliff
    17 Scorpion 2 stings him
    18 Gil pushes back
    19 Both push Gil to edge
    20 Gil withstands
    21 Scorpion exasperation
    22 Gates are opened
    23 Gil enters
    24 Gates are closed behind him
