Gilgamesh finds Utnapishtim reclining at home
U is inquisitive
G is afraid fo death and wants an way to escape it ... demanding and emotional
Enkidu story...
Bull of Heaven
the worm
U denies it's possible
G flattened
U moved to share secrets
Flood story...
council in Shurrupak
Enlil plans to cleanse overpopulation of humans
Council pact to keep from humans
Enki tells the hut to tell Utnapisthim to build a boat
U builds arc
U loads arc
U witnesses the scourge of nuclear annihilation and a deluge of acid rain
Anunnaki mortified by the destruction
U makes land and makes offerings to the gods
Enki praises Ut
Enlil makes him immortal and sets him up in paradise
U challenges G to meditate
G falls asleep
U places six loaves next to him
G wakes up
U has seventh loaf
G is mortified, afraid to move
U sends him to bathe, dive for flower of rebirth
G swims to flower
G wrestles flower loose
G brings to surface
G sees Enkidu in water - reflection
G throws the flower back